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About  Me


My Mission Statement:  To utilize my experience, my skill set, my best intentions and all my resources to ease the pain of others who seek my aid.   To do no harm. 

To use my knowledge to help others on their path to healing, wellness and



As a psychology nerd and philosopher, I draw my knowledge, wisdom and experience from many sources:  


Indiana University

Energetic Health Institute 

University of Phoenix 





Classical Philosophy






 Marcus Aurelius



 Eastern Philosophy




Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu)

Alan Watts

James Low




Don Miguel Ruiz

Carlos Castaneda


Existential Philosophy and Literature


Albert Camus


Franz Kafka

Friedrich Nietzsche 

Victor Frankl

G.I. Gurdjieff

P.D. Ouspensky

Arthur Schopenhauer

Frank Herbert

Philip K. Dick.



Modern-day Psychology


William James

Carl Jung

Alfred Adler

Albert Ellis

Aaron Beck

William Glasser

Irvin Yalom

Emmy Van Deurzen





















Confabs cover.jpg

Your attitude
is an outward
reflection of
your inner
mental state.

I Ching.jpg

5 Element 
Personality Theory

(Free PDF or PP)

What makes him qualified to be a life coach or anything else?


 Life experience.   Education.   Wisdom.   Intuition.   


And at least 1 existential crisis . . . 


  •   A background in criminal justice, case management and a master's degree in counseling 

  • Credentialed as Licensed Associate Counselor

  • 10 plus years as a healing professional bodyworker and licensed massage therapist

  • Masters path training in qi gong, tai chi and other martial arts

  • Decades of auto-didactic studies in psychology, philosophy, consciousness, and other esoteric studies  

  • A self-published author himself, Michael has been a total book nerd his whole life and currently maintains this eclectic free library of esoteric knowledge and pop culture for your benefit.   

  • Professional certifications:   Trauma support specialist, meditation instructor, hypnosis for pain management, holistic nutritionist.


  • Plus, you will absolutely love his powerful Power Points! 

             My Core Values


Integrity          Honesty


Diligence         Compassion


Belief -- In myself, in you &

the karmic forces of the





In past times a wise man said to his student (or he may have been talking to himself), I am not your guru.  But I can lead you to a path.  It may not be the right path, but any path is better than none.  Unless Atilla the Hun and his mongrels are coming.  Although he is not quite the devil mainstream history will make him out to be.  But I digress . . . 

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