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The Jungian Tarot

What is the Jungian Tarot?


     The Jungian Tarot is a visual expression of Jungian philosophies and symbols of transformation.  The Tarot is a methodology to release unknown or forsaken aspects of the subconscious.  It is a way for your subconscious to connect with other dimensions, hidden things within your realm, the shadow, etc.


     The majors and court cards are detailed and full of clear symbolism, while the minors are more akin to pip cards.  All cards are without titling or numbering.


(Created by Robert Wang
Tarot Deck - 78 Cards - Marcus Aurelius Press 1990)




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Disclaimer:  Tarot card readings are intended for educational and entertainment purposes only.  They are not expressly meant to provide therapeutic, mental health, medical or other life advice.  Proceed at your own discretion.  


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Relevant terms


Personal Unconscious:  The private side of psychic life.


Collective Unconscious:   Archetypes.  Primordial universal images.  Myth and fairy tale.  Hypothetical.   Channeled into religious dogma.  Accepted without question or reflection.  Dams and walls to hold back the unconscious by primitive man.


Synchronicity:   A meaningful set of circumstances which appears to lack a causal connection; a meaningful coincidence. 


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C.G. Jung


A Swiss psychiatrist and student of Freud who later split from his mentor over irreconcilable philosophical differences, Carl Jung is a deep and complicated character.  Carl Jung described the concepts of archetypes, synchronicities, and “shadow work” so predominant in our culture.  Dream analysis was essential to Jung.      


     In addition to identifying introversion and extraversion, Jung identified 4 key psychological factors: perceptional functions, sensation or intuition, and the rational functions, thinking or feeling.  These concepts were used in developing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, a popular psychological questionnaire (Sommers-Flanigan J. and Sommers-Flanigan, R., 2018).

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Hiding in Plain Sight:  Jung, Astrology, and the Psychology of the Unconscious.  Buck, Stephanie. Journal of Analytical Psychology.

Apr2018, Vol. 63 Issue 2, p207-227. 21p. DOI: 10.1111/1468-5922.12394.
Subjects: JUNGIAN psychology; ARCHETYPE (Psychology); ASTROLOGY; OCCULTISM; PARAPSYCHOLOGY; COINCIDENCE; HISTORY; PSYCHOANALYTIC interpretation; SUBCONSCIOUSNESS; All Other Personal Services; JUNG, C. G. (Carl Gustav), 1875-1961


"Jung credits astrology with helping to unlock the mystery of alchemy and in so doing providing the symbol language necessary for deciphering the historically remote cosmology of Gnosticism."



Jung, C.G.  (2004, revised edition)  Dreams, memories, reflections.   Vintage.


Pollack, Rachel.  Seventy-eight Degrees of Wisdom.    


Sommers-Flanigan J. and Sommers-Flanigan, R.  (2018)  Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice:  Skills, Strategies, Techniques. 3rd Ed.  John Wiley and Sons, Inc.


Stirling, A. (8/29/17).  What of the 12 Jungian Archetypes Describes You?


Wang, Robert.  A Handbook for the Jungian Tarot.  


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Dreams are the wanderings of the spirit through all 9 heavens and all 9 earths . . . 

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