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Fifty ways to lose your love handles . . .

There must be 50 ways to lose your love handles

Run on the beach, not in your sandals

Now I really must confess this tale that I convey

May be hard to swallow,

A little difficult to digest

But once we begin this journey of healing

There will be no resting on your laurels

First things first, my friend

You must give up that sugar that you crave,

Tout suite

Believe me when I tell you

That sweet, toxic stuff will lead you and your liver

To an early grave

And it will not be discreet

For that extra sugar that we all ingest

Will surely be stored as fatty liver

And in your fat cells as triglycerides

Quite easily this will lead to no end of health trouble

Obesity, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus

And from these endless problems you can run

But you can't hide

The next thing on our agenda

Is one big salad everyday

Now you may think it bland and boring

But there is no other way

And once again I tell you

You must stop thinking so negatively

Add a delightful cornucopia

Of organic fruits and veggies

Perhaps a tasty vinaigrette

Et voila, you will have at your hands

Something quite exquisitively

Alas, we are not quite done just yet

We’re going to ensure you’re getting all your vitamins A-B-C

And so on

For maximum mitochondrial production and efficiency

Recommend all the nutritional supplementation you might need

From a quality source you can trust.

Healthy tummy enzymes are a must.

That bad bacteria in your gut, might be making you

A sugar slut. What?

Then we get that body moving and grooving

At least 4 days a week

One half hour after first perspiration

Keeps your cardiovascular from becoming

Sick and weak

Strong and sleek

Slowly we transform your new physique

Are you a runner, a swimmer, a lover or a sinner?

Stay with me now.

With the right frame of mind this can all be quite fun

But no more drive-thru muffins on the run

Now 50 ways may be an exaggeration, Jim

But the least that you can do is get yourself to the health club

Or have a little swim

Not a morning person?

Well now you are Mr. Sleepy Eyes

From here on out it's

Early to bed and earlier to rise

In this crazy thing called Life

Only the strong survive

Ok, cheer up my new friend

Things are not as bleak as they appear

If you find you are doing well in this endeavor

You may earn yourself something quite rare

A welcome indulgence, something you have missed

Never so terribly

So chin up and trust in life's perfection

Let's do this together

And feel the Zen . . .

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