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Archon Agenda, The Human Disconnect, Part 2

There is no political solution . . .

To our troubled evolution . . .

--The Police

Our vampiric Archon socio-political system has kept most of us bamboozled, confused, traumatized, divided, and spiritually if not literally penned up like the clueless sheeple we are for centuries if not millennia. It's a simple but brilliantly effective strategy. Divide and conquer. Keep 'em separated: fighting ghosts, battling phantom enemies and always warring between themselves. Meanwhile, keep the clueless unwashed masses perpetually dependent upon and blindly believing in the system, stuck in the matrix. Coke or Pepsi? Republican or Democrat? Social justice minion or gun-toting patriot? NFC or AFC? Burial or cremation? Two fake ass dualistic illusions playing for the same bloody dark hand. And it's a truly insidious genius reality-controlling global Beast System. Many attribute this Beast System to the archons, a demonic force that lies behind every significant sector of our society, from politics to Hollywood.

As spiritual entertainer Alan Watts so aptly put it, Once you realize the game is rigged, you've won. But the only prize for winning this game is the satisfaction of winning. And of course you become a very dangerous character in the process. .

Most people embrace their programmed Stockholm Syndrome like survivors of the sinking Titanic clinging on to their life rafts in frigid, shark-infested waters. The human race has been collectively asleep for centuries, distracted and hypnotized by the screen of the great illusion of reality, as the Buddha said. As iconic Replicant villain Roy Batty stated in Bladerunner, (1982): Wake up, time to die . . . And for the most part, people are absolutely terrified of the mere concept of death, perpetually petrified. The irrational fear or psychotic denial of this inescapable reality is largely instilled in our subconscious minds since childhood, by religion, government, mass media, our reductionist materialistic society in general. This pandemic fear is perhaps the Archons' greatest tool of ubiquitous psychological human control. And it is working like an evil charm. So, what are you so afraid of? Probably many things.

Psychologist Martin Seligman worked with dogs in a laboratory in the 1960s to prove the concept of learned helplessness, so evident in human society today more than ever. When bad things repeatedly happen, we may come to think they are inescapable. And when we feel we have no personal control over our situation, we may begin to behave in helpless ways. This is the essence of learned helplessness (Peterson, 1995; Seligman, 1992). In the early 20th century, public relations pioneer Edward Bernays (2004) described how easily the masses are manipulated by propaganda. From Madison Ave to Washington, D.C. to Hollywood to our ever-present television screens and smart phones, these subliminal forces have been working on us for eons. Under the guise of Cold War counter-intelligence and national security, the CIA has been conducting top secret but since well-documented mind control experiments (MK-Ultra) across North America and other secret places on soldiers, military vets, students, mental patients, the homeless and other unsuspecting civilians since at least the 1950s (Dykes, 2018; Studies in Intelligence, 2010). These previously classified underground government programs involved experimentation with psychoactive drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, electric shock, and other methods, most often without the subjects' informed consent. Largely subcontracted, such underground experimentation undoubtedly continues today. And if you don't believe so, I've got a beautiful golden bridge I'll sell you, real cheap. Sadly, scores of people jump off it every year.

So, who or what are the Archons? Ancient Gnostic texts, the Nag Hammadi codices discovered in upper Egypt in 1945, describe the Archons as our rulers, false gods, a demiurge--antediluvian, androgynous, arrogant, parasitic beings invisible to us. According to researcher Jay Weidner, the Gnostics believed archons attach themselves to certain people, most people in fact, whose emotions exist at lower frequencies, these entities stirring up negativity, chattering in our ears, draining us of our energy (Marzinskky & Swiney, 2020). The archons thrive on fear, sadness and depression, anger, confusion, stress, negative emotions in general, everything which is so prevalent in our mass media, our splintered society, as it has been through most of history. What are intrusive thoughts? Where do they come from?

Researcher Howdie Mickoski (8/7/20) describes one aspect of reality we cannot see: different types of parasitic entities theoretically feeding on humans. Hitchhiker entities jump into your energy field and feed for relatively short periods. Other types inhabit public places--airports, hospitals, malls, museums--energetically feasting on the multitudes of stress-afflicted passersby. Parasitic entities stick to particular individuals, and may remain with one for life. These archons seem to feed upon a particular type of negative emotion. Aside from demonic entities, these are the most difficult to remove, requiring a highly experienced, skilled healer or shaman. The worst of all, demonic entities, often possessing the psychopath, ultimately wish to destroy their host and others. Time to call the exorcist or a Native American elder, if you can find one. Good luck. Archons can likewise take the form of malevolent thought forms or spells, frequently sent by others either consciously or subconsciously, to do one harm. A deep knowledge of energetic cleansing is essential to even begin to tackle ridding one's self of these invisible parasites. I might add another here, the human energy vampire, undoubtedly possessed by some energy-sucking parasite. Does all this sound a bit crazy? Perhaps. The next time you find yourself having a particularly negative thought or feeling nasty, just ask yourself, Where did that come from?


For a deeper dive into the archons, see my previous blog post The Archons and the Great Unraveling.


Bernays, E. (2004. Original publication, 1928) Propaganda.

Dykes, A. and Dykes, M. (2018 video). The Minds of Men.

Fighting Monarch. (3/8/2020) A Punk Gang Runs the Police.

Marzinsky, J and Swiney, S. (2020). An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind. (Foreword by Jay Weidner.)

Mickoski, H. (8/7/20 video). Howdie Mickoski Talks: Parasitic Entities(Archons).

Nag Hammadi Library. (Accessed 1/22/21.) The Reality of the Rulers (The Hypostasis of the Archons). The Gnostic Society Library.

Peterson, C. (1995) Learned Helplessness: A Theory for the Age of Personal Control

Seligman, M. (1992). Helplessness: On Depression, Development and Death.

The Spiritual Library (11/19/2020 video) Alan Watts, How to Awaken from the Illusion.

Watts, A. (2017). Out of Your Mind: Tricksters, Interdependence, and the Cosmic Game of Hide and Seek.


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