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Important Update on The Thing

This may be the most important and last ever urgent update reporting on The Thing, depending on the outcome of the forthcoming Jupiter-Saturn conjunction late December. Hopefully, this won't be the last, Goddess willing and the creeks don't rise.

We have an urgent update on a few new symptoms indicating a loved one or other is very likely infected by the Thing. (Not to be confused with the c-v thing, which is a real thing but not the horrible thing the Infected make it out to be . . .)

If you are reading this, it is unlikely that you have been afflicted as the Infected invariably have no desire or will to read at all or to receive any new information that is not programming/downloading fear, confusion and division and is not spoon fed to them by the ubiquitous mainstream media.

Note: The Infected will most likely display all of the following, just to name a few.

1) An unexplained tension or stress headache that lasts anywhere from 1 hour to 9 months or longer. It then disappears suddenly, forever.

2) The inexplicable fear of leaving one's home anywhere from 2 days to 9 months or longer, especially without a face mask and any number of other extreme-looking supposedly "anti-cv" protective gear and accouterments.

3) Just as alarming if not more so, if one actually enjoys the pandemic lockdown and feels no desire to leave the house even to go pick up food or other essential items (a/k/a Stockholm Syndrome), i.e., just staying home watching CNN and Netflix while receiving their stimulus check (becoming programmed to accept their future UBI) this individual is very likely one of the unfortunate Infected.

4) Presenting the inexplicable belief that anything they see or hear on CNN or any mainstream media outlet is real and bears any resemblance to any kind of truth. Undoubtedly Infected . . .

5) The inexplicable desire to hoard either essential or non-essential items to a degree that any so-called "reasonable" person would consider unreasonable or just plain ridiculous.

6) The inexplicable urge to wear a face mask inhibiting ones own precious life breath at any time, or all the time, even when alone at home, driving ones car or out walking alone anywhere, in the desert, etc.

7) Displaying the consistent and insistent denial that a) the so-called new normal is "only temporary." Things will get back to normal "someday." b) the new normal is just fine, accept it, nothing to see here . . . or c) the new normal of perpetual mask-wearing, social-conditioning Netflix binge-watching, government contact tracing and mandatory vaxxing is a fantastic utopia. Join us, join us, join us . . .

8) The Infected have no ability to utilize rational, logical or critical independent thinking.

The rational, logical mind: "If you have confidence your (mask, vax, social distancing, etc) is protecting you, why do you insist I do the same?"

The collectivist Borg mind: "If I (wear a mask, take the vax, etc.) then you must, too. We all should. It's just the new normal. The experts said so . . ."

9) This one is undoubtedly the most alarming and frightful indication (which I personally experienced last night/early this morning.) If a loved one or otherwise displays a sudden unexplained frightening alien-like screeching (a la creepy Donald Sutherland in Invasion of the Body Snatchers) at any time during the night or daytime, this person is without a doubt one of the incurably irredeemably Infected.

Please brace yourself before viewing. This is not for the feint of heart.

Edvard Munch, The Scream 1893

Most likely this frightful screeching will be directed at one who is either not wearing a mask or has breached the Infected's sacrosanct Six Feet Over social distancing mind control edict. Sometimes, at night when they are most likely receiving/downloading a fresh programming update from The Thing. Also, it is not likely that most (perhaps as much as 95 % or more of the population) will not even notice this frightening anomalous behavior as they are most likely Infected themselves. Clearly, it is the remaining 5% of the still presumably Awakened whom I address here.

If you detect any of the aforementioned Infected symptoms listed above, get away and get away as fast as you can. Much like the Walking Dead, you cannot save them. Do not attempt to address or engage or otherwise get sucked into the insidious Borg vortex of any of the Infected. Other than self-defense, do not attempt to defend yourself factually, morally, philosophically, etc. Trust me, it is futile.

Undoubtedly, you are feeling like this right now.

"The Death of Sgt. Elias" Platoon (1986)

Do not give up hope. You are not alone, despite how hopeless things may seem at the moment. Arm yourself with the best and highest knowledge and wisdom possible. Preserve your infinite consciousness, sanity and personal sovereignty the best you can.

Find a safe haven. Learn the new Hobo Code.

Stay alive (and awake) no matter what occurs.

We will find you . . .

Ah, look at all the lonely steeples . . .

See my future post on the Archons, Chapter 4 of Fantastical Tales . . .

Get your paws off me you

damned dirty Archons!

[End of transmission . . .]


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