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Just the Best an Advanced Modern-Day Society Can Do . . .

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Just the best a modern day society can do, Part 1.

Yes, folks, this is just the best we can do as a high-tech postmodern 21st century society. The Arizona teachers go on strike for weeks or months for a generous fifty (fitty)-cent raise, then of course the sadly underfunded school district has to get rid of all the school crossing guards, no more outdoor PE, flag football or chess club, and also mandatory cut backs on school lunches. Sorry, kids, no more fruits and veggies on Tuesdays or Fridays. I know you're all crying over that one. If catsup and those little square jelly packs were good enough for old Ronnie Reagan, I guess we can just go back to those fine mid Eighties standards. We'll still have your free Pop-Tarts and juice boxes for breakfast, don't worry about it, kids.

Just the best a brilliant modern day 2020 society can do, folks.

Then the whole c-v debacle comes along, kids are stuck at home for months with their complimentary Chromebook along with their depressed traumatized parents whose jobs or business have suddenly shut down indefinitely. While poor stay-at-home dad is out cutting the grass or pulling weeds, the poor little devils stuck inside are watching Sponge Bob, playing Subway Surfer on dad's phone pretending to listen to their overwhelmed stressed out, frightfully masked-up teacher trying to teach a Zoom class with 6 kids when she's supposed to have 24. Then the poor teacher has no idea what to do when little Johnny's or God forbid her own computer screen suddenly freezes in the middle of their virtual Pledge of Allegiance or another frustrating computer math lesson.

Then finally several more months later, these same poor kids are herded back to school, a brave new psychotic abnormal. The frightened little maskies forced to wear their lifesaving face diapers, bombarded with a constant propaganda storm of collectivist guilt and fear; the poor things cruelly guilted into believing poor grandma or grandpa (the poor old devils already half-dead from a lifetime of toxic stress, smoking, hypertension, a crappy diabetic diet of constant sugar, pharmaceuticals and barbecued meat, etc) are probably going to die at their germy little hands. The poor devils tortured with perpetual hypoxia and gestapo-esque social distancing for eight hours or more. Already reduced to the pathetic misery of seven year old telemarketing worker slaves in their beyond-depressing little isolated school c-v pods and sad little computer screen, quarantined at least six feet away from any other human being, all just because the all-knowing all-powerful CDC, the Who (The Who?) and the equally clueless fearmongering Governor (The Guv-nah?) said so, all you poor ill-informed infected little sheeple. And thus almost every human on the planet has their essential Chi, Prana, precious life's breath cut off from the energetic, life-giving mother earth, everyone's crucial irreplaceable heart energy completely cut off from the rest of godforsaken humanity, ad infinitum.

So here we are now, just a happy healthy well-adjusted modern-day society, another day in the life.

Half the people you see out driving their car all alone, dutifully masked up, their car a/c cranked up full blast as they try to nibble on a Mickey D's breakfast sandwich or slurp down a scalding hot Starbuck's while checking their stupid text messages and e-mails. The few days I actually do get out for a drive or on the way to work, inevitably pass by half a dozen poor well-meaning jerks out jogging, just riding their bikes, walking their masked-up doggy out in nature, of course all dutifully masked up themselves, most of them easily fear-programmed entities knee deep in the insane fear program months and months ago. The poor bastards dumb and blind enough to believe everything they see and hear on their Crappy Corrupt Cabal Nitwit Network is real. (Everything else is just a goddamned conspiracy theory, that's what it is!) Even that asinine Lee Harvey Wallbanger lone gunman JFK fairy tale is the gospel to them, the poor ancient jerks so lost in the stone age old paradigm it isn't even funny, but we digress. Back to reality, just out innocently jogging by yourself at the crack of dawn, some fellow masked-up jogger or early morning double face-shielded dogwalker sees you coming from a quarter mile away, they'll dash out in the street in front of a recycling truck just to avoid getting within ten-feet of your selfishly unmasked ass.

Meanwhile, almost nobody in this sensible highly advanced modern-day society even bothers to ask themselves, how many people die from the good old fashioned flu every single year for the past century or do they actually know a real live human who has keeled over from the c-v thing who didn't already have a life-threatening inevitable co-morbidity, not that half the people would even know what that means most likely. And how many actually realize how insane they are to believe that their silly little slave mask or the cute little Mickey Mouse cloth mask grandma painstakingly hand sewed is going to save them from the common cold let alone a bioengineered strain of super viruses a small army of deep state mad scientists have been concocting and perfecting since the Holocaust at least. And even if 2 or 3 out of the 4 or 5 people who might actually be receiving this instantly flagged shadow-banned post do happen to raise their hand, it wouldn't matter. It wouldn't matter, because the insane unseen beast system that rules this mostly fake divide and conquer Archon fear-generating reality somehow has the ability to show people either side of the so-called reality they are able and willing to accept and believe. Masked or Unmasked, Vaxxed or Anti-vax, idiotic Democrat vs. insane Republican, Red state or Blue, pumpkin spice or apple cinnamon, etcetera and so on, it doesn't matter, sheeple. We've already been divided and conquered thirteen ways to Sunday and most have absolutely no freaking clue of the so-called Great Reset that's coming as if any of us even know what that means.

So, there you go. Chew on these rambling nonsensical words for a while and swallow the bitter truth, or spit it out as you will, until next time if there is a next time. C'est la vie, what the hell.

Have a blessed day . . .

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