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More Curious Readings for Some Semblance of Meaning with Your Insanity . . .

Or just plain escape . . .

What is the meaning of suffering? How do we find meaning out of the senseless, purpose out of pain, which at times seems so ever-present? What prevents us from just totally checking out, either mentally or literally in the harshest of times? How do we cope with the inevitable truth of our own death? In addition to establishing and maintaining a daily meditation/mindfulness/prayer practice, (as well as keeping a grim sense of humor as Viktor Frankl noted) making a mindful study of the right books is highly recommended to maintain your sanity. Assuming you were ever sane to begin with, of course.

The following is a short but essential list of important readings for anyone seeking the answers to their life questions. So many questions . . .

Reading . . . it's not just for nerds anymore . . .

1) Man's Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl.

Feeling sorry for yourself? He survived Auschwitz, the infamous Nazi concentration camp.

2) Symposium and the Death of Socrates by Plato

3) Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

4) 1984, George Orwell

5) Brave New World, Aldous Huxley. You can't read 1984 without reading Brave New World. These two go together like peppers and eggs. Would you prefer the jackboot to the face or the sneaky mind control drug for your dystopian future, Comrade? Here's a link to an interesting communication between the two. Brave New World vs. 1984

6) The Prince, Niccolo Machievelli

7) The History of Western Philosophy, Bertrand Russell,

More on Russell below from Miles Mathis, Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein.

"If you don't think Russell was a spook, you may want to read more on the Apostles, especially the later Cambridge Five (note how the Rothschilds are involved there). You will say that was after the time of Russell's heyday, but he was still around. He was alive until the 1970s, and the Cambridge spies were admitted to be there from the 30s to the 50s. That was just one of the rare cases it became public. The Apostles were always spooks, back to the very beginning. They were founded in 1820 by George Tomlinson, later Bishop of Gibraltar, who, during his time at Cambridge, was a protégé of Sir Robert Peel. We are told Peel hired Tomlinson as a tutor. . . wink, wink, nudge, nudge. You remember Peel, right? The guy who is on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's? The guy, Baronet Peel, who was from a family of wealthy textile manufacturers? The guy who was Home Secretary and twice Prime Minister of England? The guy who founded the Metropolitan Police force and Scotland Yard? The guy who basically founded MI5 eighty years before you are told it was founded? . . ."

8) Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu

9) Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, Shunryu Suzuki

10) Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky

11) Bardo Thodol: The Tibetan Book of the Dead

12) The Blank State, Steven Pinker

13) Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kehnman

14) The Righteous Mind, Jonathon Haidt

13) Freakonomics, Levitt and Dubner

14) Why Nations Fail, Acendglu and Robinson

15) The Vision of the Anointed, Thomas Sowell

15) A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess (Also a most disturbing mind control film by Stanley Kubrick)

20) The American Deep State and the Road to 9/11, Peter Dale Scott

(PDS is published by U of C-Berkeley, another red flag spook haven linked to MK-Ultra, Terence McKenna, Philip K. Dick, Vonnegut and countless others. Clever controlled opposition.)

21) Defending the Undefendable, Walter Block

22) Modern Man in Search of a Soul, C. G. Jung

23) Joseph Conrad. Heart of Darkness, (Also, The Secret Agent. The Secret Sharer. The Inheritors)

Conrad, a prolific mainstream author (who had changed his name) rose to fame at the height of the British Empire. A contemporary and neighbor of H.G. Wells, Conrad wrote quite extensively about secret agents, political intrigue, assassinations, false flag events, mind control and dissociative disorder as both his health and sanity slowly deteriorated. He died on the holiday of Lughnasadh. More on Joseph Konrad.

24) An Interpretation of Dreams, Freud

25) Ubik, Philip K. Dick

26) Simulation Theory, Jonathan Lippe

27) Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Philip K. Dick

28) The Road, Cormac McCarthy

29) Bhagavad Gita

30) The Prophet, Khalil Gibran

31) One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez

32) How We Die, Sherwin B. Nuland

33) The Art of Dying, Peter Fenwick (Also the title of a great song by George Harrison)

Part Two: Diving Deeper

If you haven't come to realize it by now, reality, history, religion and all the rest of it are not exactly what you thought they were or weren't. Especially history (Miles Mathis.) For a deeper dive into the nature of reality, consciousness and other high strangeness, I invite you to investigate the following authors in no particular order . . . And keeping in mind that many have been exposed and debunked as Intel agents or useful idiots and tools as most mainstream authors are likely to be I am finally discovering, so dishearteningly . . .

1) More by Philip K. Dick. The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick. (Likely spook or early MK-U/LSD subject? Like the seemingly tireless Stephen "King" Pollack and his 50-100? novels, is PKD and his alleged 44 novels, 121 short stories and other prolific collections another product of the writing committee at Langley? Perhaps further investigation is warranted as I am currently reading a bio of PKD by Anthony Peake.)

2) Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

3) Alan Watts. The Way of Zen. Psychotherapy: East and West.

4) Rudolf Steiner. Outline of Esoteric Science. The Essential Rudolf Steiner. (Was Theosophy another anti-Christian Intel project?)

5) Robert Monroe. Journeys Out of the Body. Ultimate Journey.

6) Terence McKenna. The Revolutionary Mind: Conversations on Science, Imagination and Spirit. (With Rupert Sheldrake and Ralph Abraham.) (McKenna, a self-admitted Intel asset knee-deep in CIA LSD testing.)

7) Carlos Castaneda. The Teachings of Don Juan. The Art of Dreaming. A Separate Reality.

8) Nick Bostrom. SuperIntelligence. (Probable spook asset.)

9) Kurt Vonnegut. Player Piano. Sirens of Titan. Slaughterhouse 5. Cat's Cradle. (Probable spook asset.)

10) Gore Vidal. Empire. (Likely spook and deep insider.)

11) Friedrich Nietszche. Beyond Good and Evil. Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

12) William James. Principles of Psychology.

13) Daniel Dennett. Consciousness Explained. (More on Dennett and the Four Horsemen of Atheism here.)

14) David Deutsch. The Fabric of Reality.

15) Ernest Becker. Escape from Evil.

16) Derrick Jensen. Endgame.

17) Lewis Hyde. Trickster Makes This World

18) The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett III, Peter Byrne.

19) Graham Hancock. America Before. Fingerprints of the Gods. (Clever misdirection or opposition control agent?)

20) Peter Levenda. Sinister Forces. Book 3: The Manson Secret. (Admitted former Intel agent.)

Spooky. Very dark, dramatic stuff. The Manson Secret? Witchcraft and Satanism exploited by the CIA? Or actors on fake sets concocted and choreographed, produced and perpetuated by the Intelligence world. You be the judge. The blatant misdirection and controlled opposition in this grisly grimoire probably requires another essay. Briefly, here is yet another tantalizing trail of dark tales and occult madness linked to Hollywood, music (more Robert Johnson and the devil mythology, along with the Rolling Stones, exposed M16 assets), politics and more; his entire epic investigation crime scene chalk full of half-truths, illusions and red herrings. The author casually glosses over numerous red flags including the fact that admittedly Jewish. wealthy Fidel Castro was an actor in Hollywood, pre-Revolutionary/Dictatorship dynasty (shocker) while perpetuating the Monroe/Kennedy death mythology. (Fake, fake, fake.) Take that for what it's worth.

Levenda heavily and frequently references the cults of Theosophy, Scientology and Nazism (debunked Intel projects), Aleister Crowley (spook), numerous so-called "serial killers" such as Manson, Son of Sam, Gacy, Bundy, The Unabomber, Dahmer (most if not all debunked Intel creations/actors or agents) and their supposed sinister ties to the occult, as well as Thomas Harris's fictional "Silence of the Lambs" and Hannibal Lector.

Consider the following from The Tate Murders Were a False Flag (Miles Mathis, quoting and commenting on Mae Brussell, another well-known occult investigator in her day):

"Curiously, Brussell's 1971 interview starts out with a clue, either conscious or subconscious, I don't know. In her opening comments, she says, In order to do that [control people] you disguise certain persons and send them into roles of influence; they become actors on a stage and they influence our minds in a way that is not real but that affects a reality that will touch us later. [emphasis mine] As I will soon show, that is precisely what happened: certain persons were disguised, others were actors, and all staged an event that was not real but that would be used to control our view of the world for decades. But despite recognizing that, and stating it out oud, Brussell then went on to ignore it, instead suggesting that what we saw was the truth. In the very next paragraph she calls the Tate murders a political massacre. In my opinion, it is shocking that belief in this whole manufactured tragedy has lasted this long. It was so poorly constructed, so full of holes, and so absurd, that I can't believe anyone believed it to start with. As you will soon see, the red flags were everywhere. Only the fact that the media was so completely controlled, and that the public was so gullible, could begin to explain how this was passed off as true. I like to think Hollywood and the government couldn't pull off such a hoax today, since—given special effects, the internet, and other advances— people are generally a bit more savvy regarding visuals. We can tell when things look fake, and the new set builders have to be a little more careful than the old set builders, if they want to fool us. Unfortunately, it would appear no one has yet gone back to the files to pull this one apart . . ."

Also, more sage advice for Levenda and others from M. Mathis: "But back to the claims of Satanic activity. This is a common ploy used by the CIA and FBI, to lead investigators into dark alleys. Long ago I learned that anytime I am being led into Satanism, Crowley, LaVey, and similar channels, I should know that the CIA is trying to divert me . . ."

Note: Member of AFIO (Association Former Intelligence Officers), charter member of the Norman Mailer Society and former IT exec who has spent a lot of time overseas, particularly in Asia, Levenda wrote two "Secret Machine" books with Tom DeLonge, another alleged CIA tool. Red flag. Consider this one Debunked . . .

21) The Illuminatus Trilogy. Shea and Wilson.

22) Neil Gaiman. American Gods.

23) Hunter S. Thompson. Songs of the Doomed. Kingdom of Fear.

24) Norman Mailer. An American Dream.

("Norman Mailer later wrote a book suggesting Marilyn had been murdered by the Kennedys. The book has no footnotes and Mailer did not interview ('Coroner to the Stars' Thomas) Noguchi, the police, or any witnesses. Mike Wallace caught him on 60 Minutes in a lie, when Mailer claimed he could not have interviewed Murray (Marilyn's assistant) because she was already dead. Wallace pointed out that Murray was in fact alive and listed in the LA phone book. Mailer, seemingly unperturbed, admitted that he wrote the book for money. That should have been the end of Mailer's credibility, but no one seemed to care one way or the other—which is as curious as any of the rest of this . . ." (the death of Marilyn Monroe.))

25) Rupert Sheldrake. The Science Delusion/Science Set Free. Ways to Go Beyond.

26) The Wisdom of Psychopaths, Kevin Dutton (This one may be linked to the whole serial killer/mass shooter Intel propaganda psy-op, but an interesting read.)

27) Programmed to Kill, David McGowan

28) Killing Hope, William Blume

29) Dark Alliance, Gary Webb

30) Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Huxley

31) H.G. Wells.

32) The Lies of Our Times, William Schaap

33) Propaganda, Edward Bernays


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