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Just The Beast a Highly Advanced, Modern-Day Society Can Do, Part 2

Here we are again, just doing the best we can, here in this highly advanced, ultra-modern Beast System controlled and manipulated mind control reality . . .

It has recently come to my subtle attention and awareness, at least I highly suspect the following, that at some point in roughly the past 5 to 10 years, perhaps even longer than that, when no one was looking or paying attention, our so-called once normal reality was somehow hijacked by the capricious Where the Wild Things Are Rumpus Beast rulers of this nonsensical mostly fake Empire Strikes Back holographic freak show, and placed us, at least myself and probably everyone I think I know in this false reality (although I certainly can't speak for everyone I've ever known) on a fairly psychotic totally insane alternative timeline. The Mandela Effect? Yeah, that's a whole different Jefferson Spaceship rabbit hole; we don't have time for that unholy can of worms today.

And so, in this insane bizarro world alternate timeline, we are constantly presented with a never-ending mostly mundane version of a never-ending unbeatable Baboon City Resident Evil obstacle course to navigate. It is becoming painfully obvious that in the Dark Mirror world of this capricious Dark Hand Reality System painstakingly concocts and absolutely loves to present one with a near-constant daily barrage of absolute no-win, lose-lose situations in this so-called life. How? We may never know. But the first step is to understand what we're dealing with and acknowledge what is happening if we ever have any hope of defeating the evil Beast System by depriving it of the precious anger-fear-confusion-divisive negative human energy Hungry Dragon buffet it feeds on like a voracious energy vampire mind hive or whatever it is.

Case in point, while driving one’s own kids to school one typical morning and arriving at a busy four-way intersection mere seconds before the nice, old school bus lady with a bus full of screaming, hyperactive cranky already oxygen deprived maskie kids, one is presented with the following profound conundrum. Does one patiently wait and kindly allow the nice, old slightly impatient school bus lady in the Hannibal Lector mask to go first, only to have her silently scold and yell at you, the old bat rudely gesticulating an array of unknown epithets at you for just sitting there and subtly waving her on, like the completely idiotic buffoon she thinks you are? Perhaps as yet another falsely entitled late-coming jackass motorist at the stalled intersection takes the initiative and cuts you both off? That heartless selfish jerk probably late for work or just racing to the Mickey D's or Jerk-in-the-Box drive-thru for breakfast before ten, twelve other cars get ahead of him, but that idiotic jackass really doesn't matter in this scenario.).

However, if in fact, you yourself had taken the initiative to step on the gas and make your rightful precarious left-hand turn into the school driveway split seconds before the nice, old school bus lady could make her own marginally difficult turn, you would have undoubtedly been wordlessly, or not so silently, admonished and screamed at by that same nice, old school bus lady. Probably even flipped the bird, for so rudely and dangerously cutting her off like you did, you sorry selfish jackass bastard! (Not only that, but the cranky old bat would have undoubtedly jotted down your license plate number and forwarded it to the proper authorities. In ten business days you would receive in the mail a hefty two-hundred-dollar fine from the local traffic court division for disregarding a stop sign and failure to yield to a school bus full of innocent, defenseless children. Who knows? The police might have arrived surprisingly quickly on the scene and arrested your selfish reckless ass right there in the elementary school parking lot, just seconds after dropping off your poor, wide-eyed second graders. Nothing to see here, kiddos. Just put your masks on and run off to school now . . . )

Absolutely no-win, lose-lose situation, I think few would disagree.

Just to pursue another dead-end avenue here, can anyone deny that we are pretty much surrounded by ubiquitous, total, inexplicable soulless apathy and absolute incompetence in this magnificent modern-day highly advanced society? You can't buy a pair of decent running shoes that will last six months, maybe, and definitely not a pair of socks that will last two weeks before it begins hemorrhaging huge holes in the sole and everywhere else. No doubt directed by their evil corporate Norma Rae factory boss slave masters, those poor packaging drone devils back at the Chinese sweat shop pop so many tiny little plastic thingamajigs in there, you can't pull them apart without making a giant hole before you even put the things on.

You go to any retail store, let's say the Goodwill, not to pick on those poor geniuses at Goodwill, but it could be anywhere. The pair of halfway decent shorts you finally find in the color and size you've been searching for over 6 months, purports to be your size, 36, hypothetically. Of course, you can't find a staff member anywhere to open the dressing room. The one you finally spot halfway across the store you try to flag one down, but they're all so busy with their important business, hauling in new crap onto the sales floor, making sure every customer is wearing their mask/ridiculous Old West bank robber bandanna, they just ignore you. So, you just say, eff it. It looks like it should fit. The stupid shorts are only 6 bucks or whatever, so you buy it, take it home, try it on first thing. What a shocker, you can't even squeeze it over your butt; they're at least 2 sizes too small. (You know you haven't gained weight. You've proudly lost a few pounds if anything; it's such an unholy pain in the ass to go grocery shopping or anywhere in this new psychotic Invasion of the Body Snatchers Mask World, especially when you know what complete lunacy the whole c-v masquerade is, obviously that's another story. Your workaholic wife perpetually sublimating her stress slaving away twenty-three hours a day hasn't made dinner in six months. You've been surviving on yogurt, sunflower seeds and old Halloween candy but we digress.) Those stupid shorts are obviously a size 32 at least here in America. Who knows, maybe a 36 back in China, not likely, but whatever . . .

Let's talk about so-called modern day music for a second. Has anyone heard one decent, truly inspiring, well-done song not for seven-year-olds in the past ten, fifteen years? Anyone? Anyone? . . . So modern-day music has become so egregiously atrociously bad, obviously by some insidious design, that by necessity I can't even listen to anything made after 1989, roughly. I pretty much just stick to healing Tibetan bells . . .

Let's talk about movies. No, let's not, really. Aside from the fairly decent Bladerunner sequel a few years ago, one or two of the endless Batman saga, Avatar, aside from a few interesting indie flicks, there hasn't been a great movie put out in about a decade, sadly.

Let's talk medicine and health, as depressing as that might be. Does it make any sense whatsoever in this high-tech, highly advanced modern-day glorious society, that there hasn't been a significant cure for any major disease in decades and decades, probably half a century or more. People just keep more unhealthy, fatter and fatter, sicker and sicker. Every other commercial on TV or the Internet is for some crappy newfangled pharmaceutical or ground-breaking innovative cancer treatment. Yeah, let's break open the ground on your ridiculously overpriced lovely burial site, you poor sick bastard. All the rest of this insipid mind control ads for "masking up and vaxxing up to save more lives, you big dummy," fast food, super sugary breakfast cereals, ridiculous toys, Halloween candy, Coca-cola, Corona (beer), condoms or some ludicrous propaganda division-stirring politico ad. Cancer, cancer, cancer, of course that's everywhere in this modern-day miraculous monolithic 2020 society. Anytime some innovative medical genius comes up with some elegantly simple holistic cure for cancer or some free energy non-fossil fuel contraption, a week later they end up mysteriously disappeared or poisoned in some Denny's parking lot, eventually discovered in some roadside ditch with their head bashed in or a so-called murder-suicide of their entire family. The deep state shadow government swoops up the patent, throws all the guy's secret invention stuff and his painstaking notes in some secret subterranean Smithsonian crypt next to the lost arc of the covenant and a few hundred boxes of ancient alien remains. It's happened time and time again, do your own freaking research as they say, for all the good that will do you . . .

So, I thought it might be wise to come up with some new rules or newfangled Georgia guide stones to help survive this capricious insane Beast We Can Do Empire Strikes Back so-called reality.

#1: No more music. Tibetan healing bells or something of the like, only.

#2: No more socks. Go barefoot. It worked for the ancients. Obviously, socks and shoes are some evil invention to cut us off from mother Earth's precious electromagnetic grounding energy. I read that somewhere. Sounds plausible. You won't find any information anywhere on the subject in the mainstream anti-wisdom matrix, so there must be value to it.

#3 No more driving the kids to school. From now on, we walk. That way, at least if we're trying to cross the school crossing guard-less school crosswalk and some selfish jerk in his speeding car decides to blow right by, nearly killing us all, at least we'll be in the right in that sad situation, presumably . . .

This is getting kind of long now, so we'll stick with these three simple rules of the new psychotic abnormal for the time being and go from there. To be continued . . .

Peace and blessings and let the wild rumpus begin all you magnificent beasts . . .


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