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The Best a Modern Society Can Do: the So-Called Mandela (Dalai Lama) Effect

No doubt we're all getting sick and tired of hearing about the so-called Mandela Effect. But at this point it has become an essential, undeniable part of so-called Reality 101 so there's no getting around it. Let's just get this over with, guys.

Of course this mind-bending concept was named after the infamous Nelson Mandela who both died in a South African prison while being held as a political prisoner and likewise became an even more ubiquitous celebrity and proud secret society Knight of Malta initiate (undoubtedly a huge mega truth drop there) upon his celebrated release after 27 years in 1990. Somehow, things that you clearly remember from your past are just slightly different now, most pertaining to silly mass media nonsense. We all have our theories. Maybe it's just the ever-present deep state intelligence matrix fucking with our minds, somehow able to change all these things to continually create confusion and mass confusion, keep churning out the perpetual chum stream of bloody negative energy upon which the Archons must feed . The essential thing to keep in mind here is that our seemingly omnipotent hidden hand Truman Show Beast System masters appear to be able to mold and shape, manipulate and choreograph our collective reality at will. Be it through the mad scientist minions at DARPA or CERN creating alternate timelines by design or accident, deep state predictive programming, reverse causality, or whatever else, we may never know. But who cares, these are just more endless conspiracy rabbit holes and worm holes the insidious Alice in Wonderland H.G. Wells Beast System wants us to chase down endlessly. Bottom line, just like the Buddhists try to teach us, everything is an illusion. But back to the so-called Mandela Effect.

I'm sure we all have endless lists of things we clearly remember from our childhood and even later that have suddenly, just within the last few years, the last decade or so completely changed. Just a few mundane personal items here. I clearly remember The Berenstein Bears. We Are The Champions (Of The World). The nerdy Moon Raker girl clearly had braces at the end. Field of Dreams: If You Build It, They Will Come. Oscar-winning Sally Field proclaiming, "You like me, you really like me . . ." The creepy little Monopoly guy clearly had a monocle. A caged-up half naked Charlton Heston in the original Planet of the Apes. Take your dirty/filthy/furry paws/hands/meathooks off me you damned stinking hominoid! Which was it? Who knows? Who cares? The list goes on and on, pretty ridiculous stupid stuff, really

Well, here's a real shocker. Hold on to your seats. We have just come across a brand new list of these very bizarre, mind-boggling 1984 Double Think Mandela Effects. First of all, the so-called Mandela Effect is not called the Mandela Effect at all. It never was called the Mandela Effect. The Mandela Effect is and always was known as the Dalai Lama effect. The Dalai Lama, as in perpetually reincarnated spiritual leader of Buddhism. Om, mani, padme hum . . .Got that part? Good. Let's try to keep up.

Now perhaps some of us clearly remember or have just been taught in seventh-grade biology class that the first creature ever cloned in a lab was Dolly the sheep back in the 80's, early 90's whenever. Wrong, absolutely false. I don't know where any of you people got that from, clearly never happened. In fact, the first ever living creature to be cloned in a scientific lab by deep state mad scientists was clearly a llama. Namely, Llarry the llama, yes with 2 Ls. L-Larry the llama. So-called Dolly the sad-eyed little sheep clone, never happened, sorry. Now, there are some sick rumors out there that the first so-called human beings ever cloned were either ageless iconic country music star Dolly Payton, along with once widely popular former President Barack "Barry" Obama/Osama and his lovely wife Michael, but we don't have time for that creepy insane conspiracy nonsense here.

Next, some of you may recall good old former President Ronnie Reagan, back in 1989 ordering old Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev to "Tear down that wall!" False, In fact, the actual words that Mr. Reagan used were, "Mr. Gorby, tear down that mall!" Yes, mall not wall. This particular East German shopping mall was probably selling a host of counterfeit designer-imposter merchandise from Taiwan or somewhere. It's a little known fact that those poor Communist devils actually did have rather nice line of top shelf shopping malls all across the Iron Curtain back in the day. This might help to explain why so many shopping malls across America have just shut down, gotten torn down so tragically in recent decades. Or not. I don't know. The creepy old Berlin Wall is probably still standing strong for all we know. Or maybe it was just one big hologram to begin with, like Mt. Rushmore and the so-called planes that didn't really hit the Twin Towers. Maybe the Great Wall of China is a hologram, too Who knows? Ich war noch nie in Berlin . . . Or China, for that matter . . .

Remember that huge supposedly unsinkable ship that reportedly crashed into a huge iceberg back in 1912. What was it called? Titanic? Wrong again, the name of the actual ship, was the Tyrant. Although some claim it was actually the Tyranic, if that's even a real word, sounds fishy. They just renamed it for some reason, probably thought it sounded better as the catchy title for that blockbuster huge truth-dropping James Cameron film.

There's just so so many more. New ones just keep popping up everyday. That classic Francis Ford Coppola Vietnam war flick, Apocalypse Now? Wrong. The correct title, Apocalypse Wow!" That classic comedic adventure starring Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi, no, not the Blues Brothers! Simply, the Blue Brothers. (Don't ask me. I couldn't believe that one, myself. Frankly, the Men in Black Brothers would make more sense, but I'm not the one making this stuff up, folks.) Lady Gaga? No, there never was such a creature. It's Lady Ganja, folks. Yeah, I know, sounds crazy to me, too. I could go on all day. John Lennon? No, the correct current-day Dalai Lama Effect spelling, John Lenin.

IDK, maybe, we've all already heard these before, too, and I'm just spinning my wheels here.

To be continued . . .


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