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The Best Thing That Could Ever Happen: Banned From F!@#Book . . .

The more I think about it, the more I feel as if I've been relieved of a huge burden. Like getting fired from a crappy job you've hated for years, you soon come to realize it's the best thing that could have happened. Those a-holes did you a huge favor and you didn't even know it. Like that Eagles song, "Already Gone" goes, So often we live our lives in chains. And we never even know we hold the key . . .

By the way, what got me banned (full disclosure, for 30 days) was simply sharing an image of some maskies superimposed with a crowd of compliant Nazis.

Meanwhile this is my new F!@$Book. It's not like more than two people were getting my posts anyways. I had obviously been shadow banned for months or years. So the following will include some random posts I may or not have posted on F!@#$Book.

12/9/2020 According to the CDC and the Ron Paul Foundation, as of late November, 2020, reports of the flu in the U.S. have decreased by 62% What happened to the flu?

12/9/2020 The Archon mind virus (Wetiko, the Black Iron Prison) is not just something that affects individuals.--it is a collective psychosis that can only work the full power of its black magic through groups of people.

--Paul Levy


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