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The Great Unveiling, or Apocalypse 101

Where to begin? There is so much to unpack here.

Perhaps this compendium can serve as some sort of guide or at least a documentation of sorts of our current times, if for myself if no one else.

Things, they are a changing.

The term Great Reset is already becoming cliche.

Yet, unbelievably, there are masses of the normie herd who remain unaware, totally asleep, in complete denial or just very unsophisticated. Eyes Wide Shut, thank you, Stanley Kubrick.

Highly relevant to understanding some semblance of the controllers who appear to rule this realm and our so-called reality.

Sloane Bella breaks it down in simpler terms here.

It is not hard to foresee the day when the term "normie" becomes as collectively distasteful to the herd as the N-word, the b-word and all the rest. But I digress.

Yes, there is a lot going on. The collapse of our society. The planned demolition of our economy and current financial system. The Death of Hollywood. Strange energies from space. And why the widespread and seemingly random censorship? It may be capricious but of course its not random. Who are these ubiquitous so-called gatekeepers? We'll probably never know.

The complete breakdown of our reality as we once knew it has been upon us long before the most cognizant among us were even aware.

All due credit here to truther Jedi Matt McKinley and his metaphorical Amish classroom at Quantum of Conscience. and at

Many ancient cultures, including the ancient Egyptians, the Romans, Mayans, the Hopi, have described global resets and catastrophic phenomena which seem to occur about every 400 years.

The following link is a deep dive into End Times, Revelations and Prophecies, probably not the best starting point for newbies just freshly awakened. But feel free to jump right into the pool. Take the Polar Plunge.

Jay Wiedner at Reality Check breaks it down nicely.

Since the mass psychosis formation of the pandemic narrative unfolded (2020-2022), a mental health crisis has emerged and a new narrative (victimhood, learned helplessness) is being pushed from all directions. Whatever the cause, the death rate (including suicides) appears to be rising quite alarmingly.

Some helpful terms to keep in mind:

Wetiko: A psychosocial phenomenon described by Native Americans (the Ojiwa, the Cree) as a collective virus of the mind leading to mental illness, narcissism, psychosis and insanity.

Interesting read: Columbus and Other Cannibals, Jack Forbes.

Archons: From Greek arkhon, “ruler”[1]) and from Gnosticism, these were malevolent, sadistic beings who controlled the earth, as well as many of the thoughts, feelings, and actions of humans.

Did they ever leave?

An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind, Marzinsky and Swiney.

Emmanuel Swedenburg described becoming more aware of the deeper parts of our inner world through understanding death and the after-life.

"Only people who don't understand life and death, and who are in constant fear of death, need to pursue the ghastly schemes of (experimental medical science) like recombination."

Meanwhile, almost everything we’ve been taught about our own history is nonsense, a metaphorical minefield of half-truths, clever deceptions and outright lies. The world is much more like a James Bond film or an endless series of CIA psy-ops and traps than anyone would ever believe. Also it’s run by secret societies, with a ubiquitous blood/death cult at the top.

Finally, prepare to have your mind, what is left of it, blown away.

A mostly invisible surveillance/weapon control grid is all around us. Blogger/audio expert LookoutfaCharlie explains a seemingly bizarre phenomenon really behind this escalating mental illness, mass psychosis, delusion and wetiko plaguing us puny humans.

For true spiritual as well as practical insight into Entering and Exiting the Matrix, experience Sevan Bomar at Secret Energy. This is elite, adept-level spiritual training.

The Code to the Matrix.

The only way out is within.

But in addition to cultivating self-awareness, practicing critical thinking and preserving individual sovereignty, we must engage in right action, selflessness, self-education, high ego development and returning to the ways of nature. Become a master of your own thoughts, emotions and ego. Easier said than done.

Balance and wholeness.


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