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The Presidential Pardon--No Greater Truth Drop

Not unlike actors becoming politicians and politicians becoming multi-millionaires, there is no greater truth drop revealing the fake political system (but even more so the true nature of our false reality) than the essentially absurd Presidential Pardon.

Every four years or so, the lame duck president is allowed the rather strange (if you actually think about it, few do) privilege of offering a presidential pardon, or clemency, to any number of egregious heinous lawbreaking individuals and others supposedly wrongly-accused (following their release from incarceration or other legal obligations and often after their death) at his presidential desire. Just one more example of the capricious rules the global elite live by, throwing our own lack of power right in our collective face. That's just the way they do business. Meanwhile, most of the great unwashed remain oblivious, totally unaware or they plain don't care. Those who do care, we can complain to our last breath, write all the silly blog posts and commentaries we want, won't matter a bit. And often these pardons occur long after the individual in question is dead, which points to another curious and disturbing, longstanding trend of erasing/manipulating history. Yes, occasionally the the wrongly or questionably accused are pardoned, years or decades after the fact, which once again points to the inherent corruption of the legal system where so many are wrongly adjudicated. Finally, it is just another obvious Beast System tool to make us believe these puppets have any power, but even more important, to stir up the endless conflict and division amongst the powerless, clueless masses. Nonetheless I find it yet another interesting bit of geo-political theatre, comedy or tragedy, depending on one's mood. (Checks and balances, checks and balances. How many times did we hear that nonsense back in ridiculous public school?) .

Legal Authority Concerning Executive Clemency:

Authority: U.S. Const., Art. II, Sec. 2; authority of the President as Chief Executive; and 28 C.F.R. §§ 0.35, 0.36.

§ 1.1 Submission of petition; form to be used; contents of petition.

A person seeking executive clemency by pardon, reprieve, commutation of sentence, or remission of fine shall execute a formal petition. The petition shall be addressed to the President of the United States and shall be submitted to the Pardon Attorney, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. 20530, except for petitions relating to military offenses. Petitions and other required forms may be obtained from the Pardon Attorney. Petition forms for commutation of sentence also may be obtained from the wardens of federal penal institutions. A petitioner applying for executive clemency with respect to military offenses should submit his or her petition directly to the Secretary of the military department that had original jurisdiction over the court-martial trial and conviction of the petitioner. In such a case, a form furnished by the Pardon Attorney may be used but should be modified to meet the needs of the particular case. Each petition for executive clemency should include the information required in the form prescribed by the Attorney General.

§ 1.2 Eligibility for filing petition for pardon.

No petition for pardon should be filed until the expiration of a waiting period of at least five years after the date of the release of the petitioner from confinement or, in case no prison sentence was imposed, until the expiration of a period of at least five years after the date of the conviction of the petitioner. Generally, no petition should be submitted by a person who is on probation, parole, or supervised release.

Here are some fun facts about past presidents and the colorful characters they pardoned.

Donald Trump: Pardoned three individuals who perpetrated untold acts of violence involving death squads murdering innocent citizens in Iraq under the guise of insidious military contractor, Blackwater

Pardoned several of the sleazy junk bond kings of the 1980s, including Millken and DeBarotolo, Jr, former owner of the SF 49ers..

Pardoned Susan B. Anthony for illegal voting. I suppose that's not a bad one, good old Susan B.

Barack Obama

Pardoned Chelsea Manning, a former US Army soldier, convicted in July 2013 on multiple charges of violating the Espionage Act and stealing government property related to the leaking of around 750,000 pages of classified or sensitive documents documents.

Commuted the sentence of convicted terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera, the leader of the Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional Puertorriqueña (FALN), a Puerto Rican terrorist group. FALN was responsible for 130 attacks in the United States, and at least six deaths.

.Obama also granted clemency to hundreds of drug offenders he claimed were non-violent and deserved a second chance, because of racism or something. It later came out that many of the people he released were actual violent offenders guilty of gun crimes.

George W Bush

Commuted the prison sentence of Scooter Libby, who committed the disclosure of CIA op Valerie Plume.

Bill Clinton

Pardoned numerous big donors to the Democratic party and his own half-brother, (Secret Service codename: Headache) convicted of drug trafficking crimes.

George HW Bush

Pardoned Caspar Weinberger, former Secretary of Defense and 5 others involved in the Reagan-era Iran-Contra scandal

Ronald Reagan

Pardoned George Steinbrenner for his illegal campaign contributions to Nixon and the informant known as Deep Throat.

Jimmy Carter

Pardoned Vietnam War draft dodgers.

Pardoned Peter of folk music group Peter Paul and Mary (sex crime).

Truther Miles Mathis: Why? We aren't told. I guess all famous people deserve Presidential pardons. Actually, it is probably because Peter's dad was CIA. He had been recruited for OSS in 1944. He also worked for Sullivan and Cromwell, the Dulles' law firm From:

Gerald Ford

Pardoned Richard Nixon, a Deep State minion, who if you really do the research got a pretty bad rap from the public, all orchestrated by the DS, of course.

Andrew Johnson

Pardoned all Confederates.


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