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Update to the "Great Fires"

Update on the Great American Fires and the scrubbing of U.S. History

As reported in an earlier blog, between the mid 1800s and the early 1900s, a bizarre wave of devastating fires, including those which occurred amidst the ravages of the War Between the States, destroyed vast portions of nearly every major city in the U.S. The reported causes of these fires were all equally ridiculous and laughable at best. Many of these stories, most notably, the destruction of Chicago by the barn fire created by "Mrs. O'Leary's cow" have been admittedly mythical, yet the true cause of these fires remains a mystery. On the same day as the Great Chicago Fire or thereabouts, several other fires ravaged nearby areas in and around Michigan. Was America under attack by unknown forces, either within or without? Were the so-called Powers attempting to scrub history, as they did (well-documented) by the mass destruction and obfuscation of ancient bones of giants? Were other cryptic political agendas at work?

In the following video, sagacious truther and proud paranoid Clif High explains the concept of "Lumpy Data".

Video by Clif High


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